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Drum clinic extracts

This page includes a few video and audio extracts from one of Pete's drum clinics.  The clinic was in July 2005 for Rhythm magazine as part of the Rhythm sticks festival in London.

R = Right   L = Left   B = Bass drum

Steve Gadd special

This first example is a classic Gadd lick which is great as a rhythmic embellishment.  It is derived from this pattern, itself a re-voicing of a straight sixteenths groove 'RLRL' on the hi hat.

The groove is then altered with the use of the double stroke roll off the beat and a couple of substitutions where the bass drum sounds.


Steve Gadd special #2

This second example is a classic Gadd groove and can be heard on 'Leprichauns dream' by Chick Corea.  It was a great departure at the time from 'normal' drum grooves and involver the use of the open playing stance where the hands do not cross onto the hi hat.  The basis of this linear pattern is the use of the inverted paradiddle between the small tom, snare and hi hat.


Bounce triplet heaven

Honestly, a triplet sticking pattern that I can't get enough of.  RLL is the first unit (A) and RRL is the second unit (B).  Combinations of A and B can lead to some easily executable rapid fire patterns around the kit.

VIDEO    AUDIO    (Bounce triplet 1)

VIDEO    AUDIO    (Bounce triplet 2)

Less is more!!!


Paradiddle perspectives

Just by accenting all the right strokes, and then all the left strokes of the paradiddle, you can end up with a really effective fill.


Or, if you play it with the right hand on the hi hat and the left hand on the snare also accenting the back beat, you get the basis of an interesting groove basis.  This really works when you start to add bass drum independence to it.


Paradiddle extensions

If we extend the concept of the paradiddle into the 'long symmetrical sticking'  then we can certainly get to some interesting concepts.  This example involves a whole double paradiddle (RLRLRRLRLRLL) followed by the first half of the paradiddle (RLRR).  Then this leads us onto the opposite hand for the second bar which becomes the opposite of the first bar.  It makes the entire symmetrical unit two bars long. See my book 'Symmetrical stickings for the snare drum' available on H&H publishing in the UK.






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